What We Do

We provide NDIS Participants customised STA / Respite CARE

For instance whether NDIS participants are a thrill seeker, nature lover or just want to get away from it all. Maybe their passionate about a cause or would like to spend their time volunteering to help others or dive deeper into thier passions. Or they just want to be supported on that great adventure. Listening to what’s important to them and working with them, is what we do. As a result, we believe having the choice of where you go and who you are with can make ALL the difference.

Choose your own adventure offers customised Short Term Accommodation (STA) including respite care solutions that offer real world and ongoing benefits to NDIS participants therefore having a long term effect of supporting the caring relationship long after they return home.

friends meeting for coffee as part of an NDIS participants trip

NDIS Participants choice:

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to take meaningful trips by choosing:

  • Who your support worker is?
  • What kind of experience you will have?
  • Where you will go?

Respite Care and Short Term Accommodation (STA) is not a holiday it’s an important opportunity to increase your independence, build skills and try new things. Overall it is a way to step outside your comfort zone, enjoy a change of scenery, meet new people and make new friends. Therefore giving you a chance to de-stress and recharge in order to maintain your current living situation.

Short Term Accommodation may also suit your needs if your usual informal support network isn’t available for a short period. So when can I go?

guy in a wheelchair with a carer

Working with your Support Worker

We believe taking a chosen Support Worker with you allows:

  • Go with a known and trusted person which eliminates a lot of the unknown aspects of STA therefore reduces feelings of anxiousness.
  • Confirm that the carer is capable of effectively supporting all aspects of the NDIS participants needs.
  • Confirm that their carer has the NDIS participants best interest at heart and that they are trustworthy.
  • Provide the Support Worker with in depth protocols of support to ensure they aren’t over supported but are given the opportunity to increase their capacity.
  • Use STA/Respite as a component to their larger goals by utilising consistent supports allows them to engage in the goal before respite. But clearly define the scope and design and practice the action during respite. As a result provide effective debrief and support afterwards which allows more seamless transfer of skills and knowledge.
  • Utilise a depth and breadth of care through built relationships that cannot be conveyed in an intake form or limited handover.
  • Go with someone they already have a positive and trusting relationship.

Overall we have heard from NDIS Participants that going to an unknown place to do new and challenging things is better when they can go with a known, trusted and chosen support worker.

Whats included in short term accommodation?

Short Term Accommodation Including the provision for Respite Care should include:

  • accommodation
  • direct support
  • food
  • some activities

Choose Your Own Adventure works with NDIS participants to plan an trip that includes:

  • Choice in care and support (vetted according to the NDIA guidelines.)
  • Choice in location (wherever possible)
  • Choice in accommodation (considerations for safety and appropriateness)
  • Choice in activities (that can help you move towards your goals)
  • Choice in food (yum)
NDIS Participants on a safari holiday