whY Choose us

person centred care
matters to us.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live a life that’s meaningful to them so that’s why we approach all our clients with person centred care. 

Person Centred Care is important to us as unpaid carers are burning out at an alarming rate. Which causes a really bad situation for the participant, carer and family members so something needs to be done. 

Choose your own adventure may not be the answer for everyone but we hope we can provide a great option for some. With the aim to leave every participant, unpaid carer and paid carer better with their experience with Choose Your Own Adventure. 

a down syndrome girl having the time of her life showing why person centred care is so important.

our approach is all about
person centred care

Our approach is all about delivering Person Centred Care, Holistic, Trauma Informed Care and Human Rights and Recovery Oriented.

Adults with disabilities report experiencing frequent mental distress almost 5 times as often as adults without disabilities. (source CDC.Gov). We believe that before choices are presented, all NDIS Participants should be heard, acknowledged and respected. 

By listening first we seek to understand each person’s different needs and goals. As we believe every individual should be supported to make their own choices. Every person is the expert of their own life and should be supported to move towards their hopes and goals.

We believe choice can only truly happen when two or more options are provided. Providing the individual a “safe space” to choose. Although choices can be hard sometimes we will work with the participant, to ensure they are supported throughout the process.

sailing vessel on the ocean

180 Degree – IMPACT Philosophy

The benefit we all have on each other is like dropping several pebbles in the water at once and watching the circles reverberate.

We significantly consider the impact a positive (or negative) experience can have on a persons life.

1. The Participant. The participant is our number one priority as their safety and enjoyment is important throughout our person centred care process.

We also take the time to consider every person around the participant.  Because, when everyone around the participant is more supported, they are able to support at a higher level.

180 Degree Impact Philosophy providing person centred care
  • The Participant’s Carer: (unpaid main support person). We consider what’s most important to the carer to ensure that they can have peace of mind while the participant is away. By basically considering what the Carer is happy to share, we consider supportive options and resources and what a restorative experience would look like for them.
  • Other important people: in the Participants life like other family, friends, and colleagues. How will this STA/ Including Respite impact them while the participant is away and how a positive experience can enhance everyone’s life.
  • Direct support workers: We consider their skills, training,
  • The Participant’s greater paid support team (may include Support Coordinator, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist, Inclusion Support providers and/or other).
  • We have heard from Allied health therapists who want NDIS participants to go on respite with current support workers as it allows for continuity of support.
  • In addition to allowing the participant to continue to work on the skills and build capacity.
  • We have heard from frustrated Occupational Therapist’s who’s hard work has all become undone by direct support workers who over-supported a participant and they came back from their STA with reduced capacity.

created with people like you in mind

Choose Your Own Adventure is here to help you plan a STA / Respite Care trip that you have chosen and one that feels safe and meaningful to you.

We have listened to Participants and their Nominees and are here to fill the gap and provide true choice.

Our definition of CHOICE is Being given the information and opportunity to choose freely (without coercion) between two or more possibilities.

Find out more about what we do.


We believe in giving forward at every opportunity

That’s why we look forward to donating a portion of our profits to charities and other initiatives that make someone else’s lives a bit better. 

Please have a look at the options below and let us know which one is important to you.  If you have another idea, please let us know about that too by clicking on the “Give Forward” button below.

Please note, under no circumstances will Choose Your Own Adventure ever ask you to make a financial contribution to any charity. 

Choose Your Own Adventure work hard to minimise their overheads in order to pass on the savings to Participants.  We also believe in investing a portion of our profits into initiatives that will improve the lives of others today, and build a better tomorrow for all.